What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
- Albert Pike
Chapter 18:
Community Involvement
SVF has always been a good supporter of 4-H. We believe in 4-H and its impact on the lives of young people. Many adults, like Gordon Fuhr and Colleen Prefontaine, have spent months of their lives influencing young people to become leaders in their community. Several years ago I was at the 4-H sale. After buying a few steers, the same young girl (about seven or eight) was bringing me the invoices. As she handed me the invoice, she said, "You sure are buying a lot of steers." I said, "Yes, I am starting a cow-calf herd." Well, a look of horror came over her face. I could see the hesitation, but finally she said, "The steers are boys they don't have calves." I said, "Oh no! What am I going to do with these steers now?" She ran back to the 4-H leaders and was anxiously telling her story. The leader laughed and explained to her that I was only teasing her. When I bought the next steer, she brought me the invoice. She looked happy and relieved and just said, "You can eat them."
SVF at Legal sponsors curling and hockey. SVF made up a hockey team and took on the CFCW Critters, raising over $6,300 for playgrounds at two schools and a defibrillator for the fire department. Over the years, we have participated in parades in St. Albert, Morinville and Legal. That was always a fun thing to do. We have also sponsored hockey, baseball and curling teams along with numerous community activities, and supported things like the seniors' home in Villeneuve and a new playground at Camp Nakamun.
SVF bought shares in Westmor to help our customers market their grain and canola better. We were told it was not their intent to go into the fertilizer and chemical business. It was difficult for a small grain company to access markets and rail cars. JRI was offered a 50% interest in Westmor with that understanding. JRI agreed to buy, but at the last minute they said they wouldn't sign unless they got 51%. After considerable debate, this condition was accepted and SVF had a new competitor in the fertilizer and chemical business. We did feel somewhat betrayed, but I think I that, overall, Westmor's ability to move more grain is a benefit to our farming community. With the services we buy and the payroll of full- and part-time staff, am proud of the contribution we make to the economy of our community. I also know it would not be possible without the long-time loyal support of all our customers.